Jamie Hanshaw & Trevor Fitzgibbon on The Jason Bermas Show - 07 May 2024

10 months ago

On today's show, Jamie Hanshaw explores Walt Disney's connection with the Military Industrial Complex and the occult. Later, Trevor Scott FitzGibbon discusses RFK Jr.'s latest campaign video, "Who is Bobby Kennedy?"

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Jamie Hanshaw is a well-known conspiracy theorist, an author, speaker and researcher. She grew up in the 80’s and 90’s and was exposed very early to the growing world of truth seekers, alternative historians, Clinton scandals, FEMA activities and witchcraft in Saturday morning cartoons. She was raised in the Christian faith and taught Sunday school at her local church, so she is knowledgeable of the Bible and the life of Jesus. Her innate curiosity and her hunger for knowledge led her to investigate subjects like Islam, Satanism, Mormonism, Exorcism, and many other isms. She is also proficient with subjects such as the occult activities of secret societies, the Freemasons, magic, sorcery, Kabalistic rituals, and Hollywood trauma-based mind control. Jamie has authored a 3-volume set of books investigating these issues (available on amazon; signed copies at: jaysanalysis.com). You can find her on X at: @JamieLHanshaw

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Trevor Scott FitzGibbon is president of Silent Partner and an award-winning PR strategist with more than 20 years of experience. His work has primarily focused on defending human rights, whistleblowers, and exposing corruption throughout his career. You can find him on X at @TrevorFitzgibb1

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