Jen Psaki , Kathy Hochul, and Maxine Waters seem to spread fear, hate, and confusion in the media

9 months ago

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Joe Biden introduced a new word, anasemitism but I haven't been able to find a definition yet so I'm not sure what it means 🙄

Jen Psaki seems worried about who will win the Presidential election and if that person will even be alive, are ANY of them REALLY alive, aren't they robots and/or clones 🤔

Kathy Hochul, the "governor" of New York says black kids in the Bronx don't know what the word computer is, could she be any more racist 😲

TheDaddyTwins on X shared his opinion on Kathy Hochul's comment and how the biden administration openly helps ILLEGAL ALIENS instead of helping AMERICAN CITIZENS 😠

Sıradışı Dekorlar on X shared a video of a man helping 11 ducklings by catching them instead of letting them hit the concrete sidewalk as they jumped from a building to follow the mother duck to the pond 😇

Maxine Waters is worried that people supporting Donald Trump are "training in the hills" waiting for the word to attack people if he loses the Presidential election 🤡

juliencohen_piano on TikTok shared a video of a man singing while he was playing a song by Queen titled "The Show Must Go On" 😎

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