Henry Lamb tried to WARN us AGENDA 21 in 1992 – Exactly What’s Happening Today

9 months ago

Henry Lamb was the author of many books on the subject, most notably 'The Rise of Global Governance, and Agenda 21'.

He tried to warn us of this Agenda and it is a true Agenda, it is not a conspiracy, you can watch the first part of this video where the old “B” Nancy Pelosi introduced it. She was just as wicked back then as today.

Henry explains it all, the “sustainable development goals” that has all the billionaires salivating as they will be very well taken care of if they stay in line, they have the 15 minute cities, the stealing of half of Americas land and of course the disguised depopulation agenda using multiple jabs over and over and over again.

All control will be with the United Nations.

Everything that is happening has been scripted and simulated decades ago.

Our Congress Members have to know about this and they should be held accountable. Pelosi should have been put in prison decades ago, she flat out pushed this in 1992. How she was in office for 30 years is just mind blowing. She is the perfect example why there should be term limits in all of politics.

It 100% is NOT in favor of the average American citizen but of course is funded by the average American citizen.

Yes, they get us to fund our own demise.

SOURCE: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE0Zlx14PU8


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Thank You!!

END. 5/16/2024 – 3:00 PM

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