BC Physicians & Health Professionals HPOA (Bill 36) Meeting - Dr. William Makis - Apr 25, 2024

9 months ago

Featured guest speakers & agenda:
1. Dr. William Makis, M.D.
* Alberta Health policies compared with B.C.
* Current shifts in healthcare including health professionals leaving BC for AB.
Dr. Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General's Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.
Dr. Makis Substack articles: https://substack.com/@makismd

2. BCTownhalls2024 - New events! https://bctownhalls2024.ca

Information and materials on HPOA (Bill 36) can be found at:
Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine: https://www.CSSEM.org/HPOA
BC Bill 36 Committee: https://bcrising.ca/committee/bill-36

Have you filled in your HPOA (Bill 36) Postcard? Simply fill in a digital postcard online and it will be sent for you!

The BC Physicians & Health Practitioners HPOA (Bill 36) meetings are held twice a month on Thursday evenings.

To receive regular meeting updates, sign-up at: BCRsing.ca/sign-up
Meeting Event Calendar: https://bcrising.ca/events/month

Sign the Foundational Principles Pledge: https://fppledge.ca

Questions? Please email info@BCRising.ca

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