Int 756 with Canadian Cowboy truther Randall Earl Kaiser

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My name is Randall Earl Kaiser.

I am currently 63 years of age and I have the privilege of living in a stunning city called Calgary, which is situated in Alberta, Canada. You may
see me walking through the city, meditating in the parks and striding through the malls. You may even spot me lounging in the Municipal building
or enjoying some food in one of our great eateries!

I’m the 6’ tall guy with a big smile and I usually adorn myself with my ‘White Cowboy’ hat, which I
wear in all seasons. I have worn many cowboy hats over the decades being a rancher an’ all! And in various colours but I am liking the colour white at the moment, as I have never seen a Gold Hat yet, that would suit me!

Even when it's icy cold and the temperature plummets to an almighty -35°C, you probably will catch me with my ‘ear muffs’ under my Stetson!

I’m healthy, enjoy laughter, adventure and I can be very spontaneous by nature. Being healthy is very important to me, as this enables me to enjoy
my life moving my body freely, without disease and having the ability to feel able to conquer any challenge that stands in my way, of living the best life that I can, whilst I’m here anyways.
Ten years ago, I recovered from liver cancer and I have never felt as alive as I do right now! I’ll dive into that story a little later on but laughter was a big part of that recovery. Finding the joy in life heals a multitude of health imbalances and being adventurous and playful too, as we all possess this
quality. If you can’t remember this side of yourself, it’s always there ready and waiting, for you to explore and play!

I love being outdoors as it gives me a sense of freedom and aliveness. I have an extremely curious mind, which is analytical and absorbent. I have a fondness for observing life around me and having all manner of appreciation of conversations with other people, which adds so much value
to my life. Even though I can have my masculine suit on, the soft part of me also exists where I can dive into my reflective side, which enjoys the
peaceful times in nature and finding reverence in my solitude, to reflect and recalibrate myself.

Randall Earl Kaiser


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