Morality Is Not Real - A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment with Blair Black

4 months ago

Morality isn’t real, what we call moral today is nothing more than our contemporary opinions, they completely arbitrary, constantly shifting and nothing close to the laws of nature, which if you think about it is actually the true morality. Morality is a thought experiment, its a psycological-cultural game we play where we say what we are most against and then pretend like we would never do those things…it’s something you talk about from a safe comfortable place.
Morality is not universal, it’s based on the time and place that you live in right now which is why right and wrong has changed a thousand time over a million years across hundreds of cultures,
I know you think “I know right from wrong” do you think you’re the first person to ever say that? I can hear the woketards already…”ah I think I know what’s right and wrong” mmmm, I think you don't…I think you basically have a list of shit that you hate…and that’s not the same thing at all. Which is funny to me because morality actually seems to be centered around hate. Morality is basically like making hate a virtue…”this is my righteous hate” says the moraltard, with their fist up or hands on their hips or whatever. Feeling sorry for someone isn’t morality and there’s no combination of hating the right things that makes you a good person ya know what I mean? its all still hate.
Your morality is centered around hate which seems like it forces you to spend a lot of time with shit that you hate. The assuredness of moral positions is so arrogant too…like if i don't agree Im wrong…and look, I understand that you think I'm stupid for being so obviously wrong…but guess what…i think you're stupid for even thinking there is a wrong. As if little you could possess a cosmic knowledge of whats is and is not wrong. What do you think about that? I can look down on you too…but I don't because I don't care about you…because I’m a psychopath and I don't care about anything that doesn’t pertain to me or my girl and to a slightly lesser extent my dog. I literally do not have the time or energy…I am honestly booked up right now just trying to make one persons and a dogs life better and if youre not I bet youre seriously neglecting a lot of shit in your own life. The only thing you can really do is to treat people as you would like to be treated, nothing more, nothing less. Oh please tell me about how virtuous and moral you are on the internet…change your profile picture to whatever flag or whatever color ribbon it is this month. Wow, so helpful Im sure the oncologist pulls up instagram in the ER and puts that picture right up to the tumor, I heard there’s actually been a cease fire in Gaza because gay communist college students slept in the quad last night. It doesn’t help…were all concerned, things don't effect you more than other people just because you make a big deal out of not being able to handle them.
There is no type of instant karmic reaction from god or anything like that to suggest when something is obviously wrong, which leads me to believe nothing is obviously wrong, its a god danm free for all down here. Is it immoral when a shark eats a person…of course not? Why? Because morals only apply to people suggesting they are man made and thus not part of any greater objective reality. Is killing wrong? I think its very wrong today from my couch.
Now will you be judged after you die for your “immoral actions” here on earth. That is a different and funnier question because that would depend on your religion. I think Allah and Ares are more sympathetic to suicide bombing than say Jesus or Buddha would be. The point is, is that there is no universal moral. What you think is morality is really just your strong opinion
Look here’s the thing, smart, kind people with good intentions disagree on the morality of killing unborn babies, killing people who kill people, killing old people, killing animals, nuclear power, war, welfare, forced vaccination, forced sterilization, policing, gun ownership, hunting, eating meat, etc, etc…
There is no instrument available to measure who is correct because no one is correct because there is no objective morality. In 50 years we’re gonna have even richer, fatter dumber, lazier kids than we do today and they’re gonna look back at what you’re doing now and call it “tragically misinformed”. Do you think the Aztecs thought it was wrong to sacrifice people? I doubt it…I bet they thought it was absolutely imperative to make it rain or whatever. Just like you think being in the Paris accord is absolutely essential to saving the planet.

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