Don't force... Consider

5 months ago

Don't force... Consider

Consider the perceptions, views and assumptions of your message instead of only sharing in a linear way to force your brand and marketing with only your intention.

Many share, speak and market with an intention that they feel should be understood and seen for what it is and exactly how it is.

However, the person receiving the message may feel that they have heard the exact same thing from many others, and even worse, they may have had bad experiences in hearing those words, claims and hype that didn't show to be true.

This can commonly occur when the person sharing chooses to not take into consideration all that is out there and all that the other people are sharing.

Taking the time to diagnose the comparative, competitive and connotative messages while honing your messaging and marketing may allow for a voice to be heard over being dismissed.

In the end, crafting your message to consider an exhausted and assuming audience that may have heard it all before, could allow you to disarm their presuppositions and breakthrough to that audience in a refreshing way.

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