Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim's (District 13) Invocation At 05/01/2024 Common Council Meeting

1 month ago

In 2023, the Common Council had voted to eliminate free form invocations and rather have a set script to serve as the invocation before Council meetings.

This year, during their organizational meeting, they voted to change that rule and allow alderpersons to “have the option to deliver an Invocation of their choosing, limited to approximately two minutes and not related to any action item on the Council agenda. A single Alderperson may give no more than two Invocations per year.”

During the 05/01/2024 Common Council meeting, Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) gave the first invocation under these new rules.

Mayor Jake Woodford: Tonight's invocation will be delivered by Alder Hartzheim.

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13): Hello and welcome to our first open mic night of the 24 24-25 year the Appleton Common Council. It's my pleasure to kick off this season with my not officially timed less than two minutes of invoking a higher power to help guide us in the meeting to follow because that's what the word invocation means.

We had a great season last year with our "we gather together recited invocation" in which no one alderman took the soapbox to talk at length about a pet project, a political initiative or any pol--polarizing social issues, instead of invoking a higher power to help guide us in the meeting to follow, because the latter is what the word "invocation" means. I have a feeling it won't be long before we are sadly missing that little "we gather together" ditty. Regardless, and taking advantage of the free reign offered by all alderman this season, and while firmly adhering to the definition of the word "invocation", I offer the following prayer:

Gracious God, help us to always remember that being a member of the majority doesn't necessarily make us right, just part of a group that thinks alike. As we work together on behalf of all who live in the city, may we draw strength and encouragement from you, Lord, and from one another, through compassion, listening, and reason. Amen.

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