REPOST: September 11th 1997 on Art Bell's C2C show: "The FRANTIC CALLER" AREA-51👽.

9 months ago

On September 11th 1997 Art Bell opened the phone lines on his COAST TO COAST show only for AREA 51 workers or Ex-AREA 51 workers.

The caller spoke in a frantic tone of voice as he sounded extremely DISTRESSED and told Art Bell that he didn't have a lot of TIME for the phone call saying "THEY will TRIANGULATE on this position really really soon" and said he had been medically discharged from AREA 51 only a week earlier and he begins talking about EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS that an earlier precursor of the SPACE PROGRAM (NASA?) made CONTACT with and he continued....

"THEY are not what they claimed to be... They have INFILTRATED a lot of aspects of the MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT in particularly AREA 51..... the DISASTERS that are coming.... the MILITARY... I am sorry... the GOVERNMENT knows about them and there are a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now Art....They are not doing anything! They want those MAJOR POPULATION CENTERS WIPED OUT so that the FEW that are LEFT will be more easily CONTROLLABLE"

The man began sobbing like crazy and then tries to start another sentence when the SATELLITE CONNECTION mysteriously GOES DOWN where there is DEAD AIR TIME on the Coast2Coast until the BACKUP SYSTEM kicks in but they lost CONNECTION with the FRANTIC CALLER as the Coast2Coast music starts again. Art Bell takes another caller on the new BACKUP system and asks the new caller what he heard from the last caller and Art mentions that they lost ALL TRANSMIT CAPABILITY on his end in Nevada for some UNKNOWN reason and Art says he has never seen this happen in ALL THE YEARS he has been on the air.

For 25 years this caller has always been known to the "Coast to Coast" listeners as the "FRANTIC CALLER".

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