How Narcissism can Reshape a Face

8 months ago

One of the more therapeutic and validating experiences has been going back and doing BodyMind analyses on myself and family from various periods of my life.

It allows me to see the truth of what I felt clearly displayed on the outside of my body, and the truth of how I experienced those who were abusive, on the outside of their body.

Understand the truth and set yourself free! Learn to read faces in JUST ONE DAY in my online Face Reading Training! I also offer live, private trainings upon request.

#FaceReading #BodyReading #EnergyReading #SoulMuchLove #SpiritualAdulting #SpiritualMaturity #EmotionalMaturity #SpiritualGrowth #EmotionalIntelligence #ConsciousCommunication #Enlightment #InsideJob #DoTheWork #InnerWork #ShadowWork #InTransition #Transformation #MotherEarth #Reborn #Rebirth #NarcissiticAbuse #Narcissism #TheTruthShallSetYouFree #Truth #Freedom #Liberation

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