WHO Officials Receive Cease and Desist Notice of Liability Letters

10 months ago

Dr Tess Lawrie is a medical researcher who specialises in evidence synthesis. She has been a frequent member of technical teams responsible for developing international guidelines including for the World Health Organization (WHO). She surrendered her WHO consultancy during the Covid era when she recognised their criminal and harmful actions. Since then she has started a number of groups including the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development International initiative (BiRD International: https://bird-group.org/), and the World Council for Health (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/). She is also intimately involved in the much-needed development of a revolutionary new health system to replace the corporatised global systems being put in place by the WHO.

On 6 May 2024, representing World Council for Health as Power of Attorney, Swiss solicitor Philipp Kruse attended the headquarters of the World Health Organization in Geneva where he delivered a Notice of Liability letter demanding that they "cease and desist from spreading disinformation about the Covid-19 GMO gene therapy products with immediate effect". Recipients of the letter were:
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director-General)
Janet Diaz (Covid-19 Clinical Management Lead)
Jeremy Farrar (Chief Scientist)
Maria Van Kerkhove (Covid-19 Technical Lead)
These people believe they are above the law due to the legal immunity protections they enjoy under the Constitution of the World Health Organization. They have been informed otherwise by this notice of liability communication.

The letter states that should they refuse to cease and desist from continuing to spread misinformation, then if it is found that they have contravened Article 1 of the World Health Organization Consitution ("The objective of the World Health Organization (hereinafter called the Organization) shall be the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health."), then their protections under Article 67 (legal immunity) will no longer apply.

Criminal conspiracy, serious misconduct in public office, gross negligence, corporate fraud and aiding and abetting corporate manslaughter are named as possible lines of criminal investigation.

See the WHO Constitution for details here:

See the 5 million reports of adverse events associated with the Covid-19 injectable products listed on WHO's own Vigiaccess database, which their leaders ignore entirely, here:

VIDEO SOURCE (from around 1h18m): https://rumble.com/v4tix23-live-from-estonia-human-rights-in-the-crosswinds-of-the-who-and-eu-health-a.html

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