Dogs Reveal That All Ancient Civilizations Followed ONE Religion?

10 months ago

𝗪𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁:
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00:00 - Introduction
00:58 - Indian Pug
02:25 - The Retriever
03:59 - Ancient Bullykutta
04:51 - Abutiu buried at Giza
06:07 - Guard(God) of the Underworld?
08:21 - Source of the Civilizations
08:55 - Conclusion

Hey guys, today we are going to looks at Dogs & their connection to Gods. Have you ever wondered if ancient Indians walked their dogs? Did they keep dogs as pets inside their houses and took their dogs out for walking everyday? The common narrative from historians is that, ancient Indians did not allow dogs inside the house, and they were only kept outside. Even today you can see a lot of street dogs in India & many people think this is how Indians historically treated dogs. And they say this practice of keeping dogs as pets inside the house, and taking them out for a daily walk was learnt from Europeans, just a few centuries ago.

But, I found this 900 year old carving. Here is a pretty woman, but right next to her, you can see this man, her assistant, and what is he doing? He is holding a leash tied to a tiny, pet dog. This carving is in the ancient Chennakesava temple at Belur, and it really changes our perspective. Indians did keep dogs as pets inside the house, this is why you need a collar and leash, if the dogs were always left outside, there is no need for a collar and leash. And see how the dog is shown as tiny & cute, like a modern day pug. See, they are not showing a dog that is huge or aggressive which has real benefits like guarding or protecting, they are clearly indicating that people used them as cute little pets in ancient times too. And the dog is even shown barking, this is why the sculptor has carved an open mouth. This is just a tiny dog, it serves no practical purpose. Yet they kept it as a pet, for its cuteness, just like today.

I found another carving too. This is a beautiful female hunter who has just released an arrow to kill a bird. This statue is more than 15 feet from the ground, so I was zooming in with my DSLR, and I found this dog. Again her assistant, is holding a dog. In this carving, you can clearly see a collar on its neck, and you can see the leash going from the back of the collar, and that leash is firmly held by the assistant. Look at the end of the leash, it even has a loop, this is exactly like a modern leash, we have this, so we can put our hand inside to make sure the dog is in our control.
And look at this dog, it looks perfectly calm, just waiting, right? Waiting for what? Yeah, you can successfully shoot an arrow and kill a bird that is flying hundreds of feet away, but how will you retrieve the fallen bird?

Everything has to be quiet until the bird is hit, but once the bird falls down, this dog will go and retrieve the bird. This type of a dog is called a retriever or a gun dog whose job is to retrieve the game. The most popular one today is the golden retriever.
There are many ancient carvings of Dogs in Indian temples, this one shows, a large aggressive dog, and this carving is also more than 850 years old. Actually, it shows a giant native breed called the Bully Kutta, which surprisingly still exists, even though people don’t breed the native dogs much anymore. The most important detail in this carving, is this band, you see a harness was used on its back for better control. Today, owners use harnesses on dogs just like what we see in the carving. Instead of a collar on the neck, the harness goes on the dog’s body.
Now, dogs have been carved in several ancient cultures, because I think domestication of Dogs probably contributed significantly to human advancement. Egyptian Carvings show dogs with collar and leash, this is approximately 4500 years ago .They have even given a royal ceremonial burial to a dog called Abutiu in the Giza Complex in ancient Egypt.

#Dogs #Hinduism #PraveenMohan

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