PodChute #20 Jim Hoft on the High Price of Free Speech

1 month ago

PodChute #20 Jim Hoft on the High Price of Free Speech

Few Americans understand the price of Free Speech like our next guest, Jim Hoft. Jim, the founder of alternative news phenomenon The Gateway Pundit, has been censored, sued, demonetized, banned, smeared for being gay, and kicked out of the White House Press Corps. He won a landmark court case against the Biden Administration, and had his business driven into bankruptcy, all while setting records for online readership.

Mr. Hoft has been on the front lines of America’s information war for more than a decade and will share stories and insights with host Amy Peikoff in our latest PodChute, to be streamed live on Wednesday, May 8 at 11:00 am ET. Please tune in, it’s sure to be memorable.

Make sure to mark your calendar and join this important discussion. Bring your questions and get ready for a deep dive into what Free Speech costs us today, both literally and figuratively. Looking forward to seeing you there!



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