Full Debate - 2024 Nebraska Primary Debate

9 months ago

Scott: Welcome back to the 2024 Nebraska Primary Debates, and now the Closing Statements from the Incumbent Imbicels.

Cheap Tricks Ricketts: Hey guys so like I’m totally gonna fundamentally transform Nebraska into a third world (beep) hole because there’s no place like Nebraska.

Donny Rotten: I’m all about doing the right thing for Nebraska and that means Israel and Ukraine will be getting all your tax money.

Debbie Downer: You don’t need a functioning brain to be a Senator.

Fat Flood: Nerd

Yo Adrian Smith: (unintelligable)

Scott: Well there you have it folks, now you have to decide between the Top Republican Challengers or the Incumbent Imbeciles who are stupid and weak corrupt lying frauds who have made every bodies life worse.

Chris: If you vote for them you’ll get more of the SOS.

Gary: They will sell you down the river.

Lucy: Yeah

Emory: They are a chance not worth taking.

Rosie: They are even too douchey for me.

Ian: Whoops I just peed my pants again.

Scott: Fox Fake News is next.

Vote John Glen Weaver

Vote Dan Frei

Vote Michael Connely

Vote John Walz

Arron Kowalski

#nebraska #primarydebate #nebraskaprimary #debate #election #nebraskaelection #goodmorningnebraska #petericketts #donbacon #debfischer #mikeflood #adriansmith #JohnGlenWeaver #danfrei #scottvorhees #kfab #kfak #omaha #omahanebraska #lincoln #lincolnnebraska #election2024 #2024elections

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