8. Like A Thief In The Night

4 months ago

I was concerned…
Plus, I was getting more than a little frustrated with how some of my very own family members were kinda blowing me off and not taking me seriously when I would talk with them about God and salvation.


They were treating me the same way that I had treated other “Christians” before I myself surrendered to Him:
And that was… “NOT INTERESTED!!!”

I laugh about it now but, at the time I was genuinely concerned for my brothers and sisters. They were the ones that I loved more than anyone else in the entire world at the time. I eventually ended up just asking for the Lord to help ME to be a good example in the way that I was living my life so that they too would eventually come to know Him the way that I was getting to know Him.
To be honest, I think that they were expecting me to go back to “normal” after awhile. After all, I hadn’t even been saved for an entire year yet.

So, as I was working through some of my frustrations, I got to thinking about how God warns us in His Word in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, where He says:

51 Behold, I tell you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

That’s right… “In the twinkling of an eye.” That’s what HE says, not me.

And then again, in 1 Thessalonians 5:2, where He says:

2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.

That’s right… one of these days… POOF!!! just like that! He’s going to snatch us right out of here. “Like a thief in the night.”

That very day, God gave me the words to this song which expressed exactly what I had been feeling, and trying to share with, well, anyone who would listen to this “crazy guy”.

One thing that I hope to never do, and that’s to tell someone that; “You need to repent or you’re gonna do to hell…”
I hated people telling me that.
If you feel that tug in your heart, don’t keep putting it off.
None of us is guaranteed a tomorrow…

When God first put it into my heart to actually record the music that He’d been giving me, He simultaneously impressed these words into my heart:
They’re from the latter part of Matthew 10:8, where He says;
"Freely you have received, freely give."
So I freely share this music with everyone.

IF, however, you wish to contribute to my efforts; one way you can support what I am doing, AND even benefit your own health and well-being, can be done by using products that I myself personally use on a daily basis, which are:

For your General Health and Wellness – try the X39 patches:

Thank you…

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