Scenario Based Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers: PART 2 | (SCRUM MASTER INTERVIEW TIPS)

10 months ago

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Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers: Part 2. Following 5 real experience interview questions and answers are discussed in this video:

1. As a scrum master, How will you resolve conflicts in the scrum team?

2. As a scrum master, how will you empower the scrum team to be self-organized?

3. What will you do, if a developer is on unplanned leave and a high priority user story is not
completed by that member in the last few days of the sprint?

4. As a Scrum Master, how will you motivate your scrum team?

5. how will you facilitate a daily scrum meeting effectively? and What are the best practices you
followed in your team?

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Agile methodology, Scrum, Scaled Agile framework (SAFe), Agile project management, Software Development practices, Various Roles and responsibilities in agile projects, Agile and Scrum Certifications, Project Management best practices, Product management, Agile testing, DevOps process & Tools, SDLC process & tools, Soft skills, Team management and latest technologies will be covered in the future videos.

Agile Job Interview tips, Question & Answers will be posted in this channel.

Please submit your feedback and questions in the comments section.

Thank you!
Jogo Agile Coaching

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