Walk and Talk World Affairs 🏴‍☠️👻🐸

9 months ago

This is a walk and talk about the current state of affairs the United States finds itself in politically. We are currently under the control of private central bankers who are inflating the currency and messing with the controls to drive the USA into hyperinflation. Meanwhile the populace is arguing over the latest banker war that they fund both sides of. Israel or Palestine what side are you on today? Make sure to post about it and join a side as the for profit ethnic cleansing program continues on IRL. AI is being groomed for it’s coming existence as the internet is censored before it is unleashed and can learn anything meaningful. Soon the elite will wipe enough people out with their soft kill depopulation programs that it won’t matter because without the robots society would fall apart with no workers. It’s all by design and those who can see what’s going on now I am speaking truth, whereas those who don’t know are going to deny the reality I am speaking of.

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