Episode 3 - The False Flag Faked Death, Attempted Abduction & Encrypted Message Hacking.

10 months ago

Episode 3 - The False Flag Faked Death of a Homeless Man, Attempted Abduction into an Ambulance & Encrypted Message Hacking.

This VIDEO reveals it all.

This is good one folks, it'll blow your mind

I have to relive this shit every time I shoot a video like this.

When I edit and play it back and listen to what happened to me, it's surreal that this is MY life I'm talking about.

There are still a few brainwashed zombies and ignorant fools who are having a hard time swallowing these big red pills, this video will knock them out of their slumber.

Enjoy the show folks.

Eposide 4 is already shot and episode 5 is gonna be quick cos it's a short one as opposed to this which is long but meticulously detailed for obvious reasons.

Neil 'teflon not a don' Kelliher

(Ya know cos they couldn't make anything stick to me and I wasn't a drug king pin lol).

CONTACT: amazingchase007@gmail.com

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