Easy walnut and cherry cake Recipe!!! Eng. Ro. Rus

1 month ago

100 ml cooking oil
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
150 g white granulated sugar
100 ml milk
280 g flour
1/2 tsp EACH: baking soda, baking powder
1/2tsp salt
1 lemon peel
100 g of ground walnuts
100 g sour cherries

RO: Ingrediente
100 ml ulei de gatit
2 ouă mari
1 lingurita extract de vanilie
150 g zahăr alb granulat
100 ml lapte
280 g faina
1/2 lingurita FIECARE: bicarbonat de sodiu, praf de copt
1/2 lingurita sare
1 coaja de lamaie
100 g de nuci măcinate
100 g vișine

Русский :Ингредиенты
100 мл растительного масла
2 больших яйца
1 чайная ложка ванильного экстракта
150 г белого сахарного песка
100 мл молока
280 г муки
По 1/2 чайной ложки КАЖДОГО: пищевая сода, разрыхлитель.
1/2 чайной ложки соли
1 лимонная цедра
100 г молотых грецких орехов
100 г вишни
Preheat the oven to 350F/177C.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the eggs, sugar.
Beat the ingredients together on medium to high speed for 2 to 3 minutes, until the eggs are well beaten.Add the milk ,oil and vanilla and lemon peel .
In a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Sift the dry ingredients into the cake batter.
Mix the flour into the batter on low speed for about 1 minute, just until it’s incorporated.
add the chopped walnuts
Transfer the cake batter into the prepared pan and then top the cake cake with the cherry in layers, alternating the cherries with another layer of dough.
Bake in the preheated oven at 350F/177C for 45 to 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove the cake from the oven and onto a wire rack to cool completely. Do not frost the cake while it’s warm!
Decorate with powdered sugar

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