Why Me - A mini-documentary about my journey into the Afterlife

10 months ago

This is a true story of my afterlife encounter with Jesus in 2022. The first minute of the documentary is slow as it is just scripture which has great meaning to me. After that is when it turns to a powerful message and testimony. I was severely burned and was in the hospital for over a month. During that time I had 30 procedures to be performed to save my life. I had multiple near death episodes throughout the hospital stay, but it was when I was bleeding out that I had that faithful day. This mini documentary tells my journey of what happened to me into the afterlife. It walks you from the beginning, where I am today, and into my future . The event that lead into the afterlife was when I was bleeding out and in need of 14 units of blood. The surgeon had requested the nurse to fill out a death certificate for him to sign the next time my heart was to stop. This is when Jesus took me by the hand on an adventure, only to have me return to my body to document my travels with him. I tell people to believe what you want, however I know what is real. That Jesus is with us and He is here.

Many doctors said it should have been impossible for many of the happenings in this mini documentary to take place. But the happenings did take place, and right in front of the Doctors eyes. For our Lord God Jesus Christ is here with each of us.

If you have questions or comments, you can reach me at:
Scott Stansbury

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