McDonald's secret 'ingredients' - Propylene Glycol, Calcium Silicate, feces, TBHQ

10 months ago

Worst McDonald’s Secrets Exposed

Salads are dusted with Propylene Glycol to keep them crisp. It is also used in their sauces, glazes and hotcakes.

Propylene Glycol is an Ethylene Glycol which is found in anti freeze.

A common additive in their food is Calcium Silicate is primarily used to prevent cement and roof tiles from caking.

Less than half a chicken nugget is actually chicken. The rest is a combination of preservatives like TBHQ, proven to be unsafe for consumption and causes side effects like loss of vision and liver failure.

McDonald’s drinks tested positive for fecal contamination in their ice. About 30% of ice in each drink contain fecal matter and can cause a number of diseases.

There are no ribs in the McRib sandwich. It takes 80 ingredients to make this salty and very fattening sandwich including pork, tripe, heart, stomach, water and loads of salt and sugar.

There have been several law suits in the US and Canada against them for advertising to children. On average, about 20% of McDonalds as are McHappy Meals. By creating an emotional bond with children, they find the key to keep them coming back. Smart and evil.


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