Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) vs MLK & Joe Biden (homosexuality)

10 months ago

Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) vs Martin Luther King Jr. & Joe Biden on homosexuality

Story County, Iowa Supervisor & resident Hobbit Latifah Faisal will likely be shocked when she finds out how much of a bigot Martin Luther King Jr. is. #faisal4story #latifahfaisal #faisal4storycounty

Latifah Faisal isn’t very bright, she’s like a lot of folks who put up memes or pictures of Martin Luther King Jr. & when you do that, you’re obviously not a racist. I do wonder what MLK would say to all those young black men who abandon their children. Even the pagans don’t give their kids a stone when they ask for bread. I wonder what MLK would say about all those young black men who are murdering each other, robbing innocents & carjacking people, largely in cities & counties dominated by the Party of Child Groomers/Democrats.

If that’s doesn’t rattle Latifah’s tiny brain pan then Martin Luther King’s comments to a young black man about his culturally-acquired homosexuality will likely make her head explode. Mike King, I mean Martin Luther King was a bigot. So is Joe Biden, but you already knew that. Joe Biden is also a kid sniffer & a creep who has no problem w/ 18-year old XY chromosome homo sapien predators “transforming” to XX & dressing in the same locker room as your 14-year-old daughter. So does Latifah Faisal, ironically.

Think about that folks, Latifah Faisal supports 18-year-old biological males “changing” their gender, hanging out in the same locker room as your 14-year-old daughter & playing on her sports team. What if some mentally-ill 18-year-old man decides he’s a girl & wants to play volleyball in Ames? Latifah Faisal supports this!

But that’s not the focus of this video, it’s the bigotry of Martin Luther King Jr., a man w/ a national holiday named after him. If Regressive Democrats want to say King was a man of his time, then perhaps so were our Founding Fathers. Uh-oh! (some Founders opposed slavery & worked to end it, adding to that a number of states admitted to the Union prior to the Emancipation Proclamation that never legalized slavery. See the section on “Henry Jay Forman” See also (the last two are mentioned in my response to Miss Forman) )

Depending on how the mentally-ill in the Democrat Party treat MLK on this issue, they may or may not nuke their entire “systemic racism” & “slavery” argument trump cards.

*** I do get a chuckle at how Ebony Magazine runs from Mr. King’s analysis of homosexuality, saying he missed the mark on that one. I would ask, if homosexuality is genetic, then isn’t pedophilia & hebephilia genetic too? I would also tell Ebony, the “T” in LGBTQ is junk science, it doesn’t exist. I suppose MLK will also be accused of “missing the mark” if he were alive today, scratching his head saying, “William Thomas & Dylan Mulvaney are men, they cannot become women.” “BIGOT” they would say. ***

I can solve the whole sexual revolution problem for you in one fell swoop, “Only in Marriage is the bed undefiled” & homosexual “marriage” doesn’t count. (see the section on “Homosexuality”) Don’t argue w/ me, go argue w/ The Apostle Paul

If you know anyone in Story County, Iowa or you like this video, please pass it on. It's imperative that this lunatic who has never made a dime in the private sector is defeated.

Vote her out in November

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