10 months ago

A compilation of snippets for your consideration... Enjoy | "It's not LEFT or Right, it's US or THEM." Antony C. Sutton |
"Control your mind or it will be controlled for you." - Napoleon Hill

Outline Snippets |
🕞▸0:00:00 ➤ Intro - (Song: If there was a time | Band: Harem Scarem)
🕞▸0:00:30 ➤ Can all religions be true? - Cliffe Knechtle
🕞▸0:01:57 ➤ Your God has no 'PROOF' of his Existence! - Cliffe Knechtle Vs. smart ass
🕞▸0:02:57 ➤ Where does it say Jesus is God? - Cliffe Knechtle - Yahweh/Jehova=Hebrew verb meaning 'to be' - John 8:58 + Exodus 3
🕞▸0:03:57 ➤ Jesus is Emmanuel 'God with US' - Street Preacher Vs. a Muslim (Isaiah 7:14) - Readalong Isaiah 53 🕞▸2:13:07
🕞▸0:05:00 ➤ Prince William with a small hat and a tidbit about Israel on Bitchute's visibility map
🕞▸0:11:15 ➤ Ernst Zundel predicted 'Wei-Merica' and its cause
🕞▸0:13:36 ➤ Hitler was financed by Jewish Banksters - Daryl Bradford-Smith w/ Eustace Mullins
🕞▸0:21:47 ➤ Before 1913 the people had direct Veto power over Federal Government spending...
🕞▸0:22:57 ➤ All 'ISMS' -it's the Jews - Dennis Prager
🕞▸0:25:28 ➤ Zionism Tenet: Jews are useless as patriots of their host nations.
🕞▸0:26:58 ➤ Joe Lieberman (1942-2024) on Chabad and the CIA
🕞▸0:28:35 ➤ 'Fruit from a Poisonous Tree' (p: 58) - Court control via 1913 American BAR association whose parent is the European International BAR assoc. a creation of Rothchild.
🕞▸0:30:21 ➤ HR6090 - The Antisemitism Awareness Act (What about the 1st Amendment?)
🕞▸0:32:13 ➤ On The FBI and the CIA - Ron Paul
🕞▸0:31:26 ➤ It's a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy (beware of the subversion of language) - Dan Smoot
🕞▸0:34:19 ➤ AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Vs. JFK on the registry as a foreign agency - Ian Carroll
🕞▸0:55:16 ➤ In 1924, Adolf Hitler wrote/predicted this on Jews, Palestine, and The State of Israel in (Mein Kampf)
🕞▸0:56:36 ➤ Post-WWII 2nd & 3rd hand sources quoting each other not going to primary sources, without fact or evidence - David Irving
🕞▸0:41:02 ➤ Deborah Lipstadt and Tribe Vs. Historian David Irving
🕞▸1:13:44 ➤ The Religion of the Talmud and Zohar
🕞▸1:18:56 ➤ Suspension of Morality by Social Consensus - Shahid Bolsen
🕞▸1:25:03 ➤ On Palestine - Alexander Dugin
🕞▸1:31:41 ➤ Fluoride causes cancer it's a crime to have it in drinking water...
🕞▸1:37:02 ➤ The State of Israel
🕞▸1:46:02 ➤ Israel is the real threat, not Russia - Julian Assange
🕞▸1:49:48 ➤ The Red Cow/Heifer bit on South Park
🕞▸1:52:01 ➤ Nord Stream Pipeline accountability and the nastiness of Chemtrails and Climate Alarmism, CIA, and more..
🕞▸2:12:57 ➤ As in the days of Noah...
🕞▸2:13:07 ➤ Isaiah 53 - Read Along
🕞▸2:15:42 ➤ The Bible and Book of Enoch - Think About It
🕞▸2:19:14 ➤ The curse of the 'LAW', sin, death, and hell were nailed upon Jesus on the cross? - Chuck Baldwin
🕞▸2:30:26 ➤ Russia - New Law: No Evangelizing Outside Church
🕞▸2:31:58 ➤ Masculinity is not a social construct - Shahid Bolsen
🕞▸2:35:46 ➤ Tidbits about the Oligarchy - various snippets, Trudeau, Schwab, Fauci, Gates, Global Catastrophe (pandemics) - Opportunities Exist...
🕞▸2:40:28 ➤ The Scientific Method (Quick Reference Guide)
🕞▸2:42:21 ➤ Science is Just a method, it's not a Truth-telling device (What about Honest and Integrity) - Celebrate 'TRUTH'
🕞▸2:58:16 ➤ Mystery Babylon = (Zohar/(Kabbalah)... Scientism, Whitecoat Privilege - 'Follow the Science'... "Science is not about truth, it's about Power." - Noah Harari and clique
🕞▸3:13:41 ➤ Putting the brakes on Jew World Domination - The 'NOTICING' has begun
🕞▸3:14:31 ➤ What does "LAW" actually mean? - Frank O'Collins(
🕞▸3:20:19 ➤ The 'Chosen People of Moloch" - Original Blood Oath - First Covenant
(Baba Mezia 59b: A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.)
🕞▸3:38:18 ➤ The 10 Most Powerful Empires of the Last 500 Years... analyzing their reserve currencies
🕞▸3:43:45 ➤ Fin (The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - Artist: Gil Scott Heron)

🎩 Source: 👉 Snippets and Video Clips sourced on various platforms. X/Twitter, BitChute, Odysee, Telegram, Youtube...

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