Reinterpreting the “Act” of Anger

9 months ago

June 4 - Reinterpreting the “Act” of Anger
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We are always, unconscious as we may be of it, working towards achieving a more balanced, peaceful and joyful life. So let us be grateful, not judgmental of self and others, when we are being offered the opportunities to choose and thus reinforce the states of being that we would like to have in our life. Let us not get discouraged if our road from anger to peace does not appear to be a straight line. Like rivers that flow naturally toward the sea, it is in our life’s twists and turns where so much of its beauty resides. And just like rivers, we each end up where we belong at our own sacred pace and time. Today, if others offer us opportunities to deal with our anger, let us be grateful to them. In truth, they are offering us opportunities to practice choosing forgiveness over anger, and thus peace over pain.

Today, if we feel anger begin to surface, let us stop and recognize that reacting in this manner has never brought us the peace of mind and joy we want. Then let us recall that, because God is Love and All, every step along our journey is used by God for good. Yes, each step, no matter how much the ego has programmed us to judge it, is leading us to a conscious reunion with our all-loving Source, and thus with the states of peace and joy. On the surface it may not always look or feel this way, but it is always so. Today, notice that when you trust the Divine in a challenging situation, your frustration and anger diminish, and when you don't, your frustration and anger seem to increase. Today, trust in the Divine design more than your programmed anger response. Do so and anger will begin to dissolve and fade away before your light and understanding.
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