Divine Miracle Photograph - Messiah's burial shroud

1 month ago

Source: SGTreport
Guest: Dr. Jerome Corsi, PhD
Posted: 05/10/2024
Recorded: 04/30/2024 (according to guest's statement)

Found this a bit redundant and not providing too much more information than already known, but perhaps not to many others.

Do not necessarily agree with every opinion, but not going to pick it apart.
The only one fact that needs to be pointed out, for sake of detail, is that "Jesus" did not carry a whole cross upon his back. There were two separate parts to the crucifix (symbol of sun god Mithras). Stauros and Xylon. (Gr.)

Stauros: a stake or pale, from which we also derive pole and impalement.
Xylon: almost anything made of wood. This was the "crux" portion that he carried upon his back, in an extremely weakened state of trauma.
It can refer to a tree ( Deuteronomy 21:23 ) and this is the branch portion.
This would have been hoisted into place, after nailing his hands to the cross, by his wrists (another matter of language translation semantics).
No one climbed up a ladder nor did they lift a whole cross upward, erecting a new one, each and every time. Romans were very efficient.
There might have been many more trees in the area, at that time (not later), but they wouldn't have wasted precious wood or other natural resources.

JWs still teach that he was nailed to an upright pole.

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