This guy's net worth is 1.2 BILLION. 🤷‍♀ 🤔

10 months ago

BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink, tells World Economic Forum attendees that countries will benefit from depopulation.
Because A.I is coming and there is no need for this many people.
I would argue that the countries that are going to be most successful are countries that have a shrinking population.
And the social issues around the replacement of people with machines is going to be easier to address because they will more quickly develop robotics/AI, transform productivity and replace people with machines.
00:23 He praises "large developed countries with xenophobic immigration policies, that don't allow anybody to come in"... what is he rambling on about? Which countries are those? Saudi Arabia?
About the photo:
U.S House Speaker turncoat Johnson calls on Biden to intervene in the International Criminal Court arrest warrant for Netanyahu.
The US does not recognize ICC jurisdiction anyway, so the motion is powerless, however media and Western politicians tout the importance of the "rules-based order."
While on the rare occasion an institution of said order dares to hold Washington or one of its allies accountable, the institution is threatened using mafia style threats.
Read article. (
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