Eva Vlaardingerbroek Delivers Historic Speech “The Great Replacement Reality” at CPAC Hungary

9 months ago

We are being replaced by foreigners here in Canada also
friends. It is very obvious to anyone who cares to take a
look and whose paycheck isn't signed by the corrupt
criminal entity that calls itself a "government" here.

There are 1.5 BILLION Indians in India folks. We have
federal political hacks cow towing to these people.
Wearing their traditional garb on the corrupt MSM as
they pander for their votes as they ignore the sons and
daughters of those who actually built this country.

We now have 18 foreign born MP's in the House of Parliament
in the most corrupt organization in Canada. #HateThe338
They are ALL benefiting from mass migration, as they ALL
benefited financially from the #HotShots mandates. They are killing us and I see neighbours allowing their election (selection)
signs on their lawns. They tried to kill you, you are sick, but STILL
supporting these demons. That's BIG ignorance folks!

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