Episode 91 - What Was the Nature of LBJ's Relationship With Mac Wallace? (Conspirator #4, Part III)

2 months ago

For more content from Barry Jones, go to sphistory.com. The essence of LBJ was greed. Greed for money, greed for power...pure, unadulterated greed. Mac Wallace was Johnson's ultra vires operator, protecting LBJ's profiteering schemes and immunizing him from any liability. And in keeping with the profit-at-all-cost operating principle of ultra vires, moral implications, ethical boundaries, and/or legal guardrails be damned. There was money to be made. As Congressman, Senator, and Vice President, LBJ and his cronies made millions. But that paled in comparison to what could be made as President and Commander-in-Chief presiding over your own war. All it required was a rear-guard. Mac Wallace was LBJ's rear guard, leaving behind a trail of dead bodies, culminating with the big enchilada in Dallas.

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