Israeli Minister confirms Israel funded, aided, abetted & allowed the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust on Oct 7

2 months ago

“My God, I didn’t know Israel funded, aided, abetted & by its actions and inactions the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. Watch this Israeli Minister confirm Netanyahu approved Hamas funding 3wks before Oct 7; Israel had Hamas Oct 7 plans for a whole year & did nothing; IDF didn’t rescue victims (1200) on Oct 7 for 10+hrs & Israel is killing Palestinian civilians knowing they did nothing wrong. It means EVERYTHING Israel has done to Palestinians since Oct 7 – genocide (35000+), famine & ethnic cleansing (1.5m+) is intentional & premeditated. I didn’t think I could be more disgusted by Israel but consider me completely, thoroughly & overwhelmingly disgusted. This is Nazi level evil. The US, UK & EU must have known this & STILL supported this evil. My God.”

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