Council tax!

10 months ago

Summary Jurisdiction Act 1857 (repealed 5.11.1993). There is no mention in the video about the 'mere utterance' by the claimed magistrate, being the granting of the notice of liability = the fraud is the claim that a liability order has been granted/made. However there seems to be little in most videos that point to the root cause of the issue; lgfa s1 ss3 chargeable dwellings, ss4 hereditaments and composite hereditaments, domestic dwellings; the composite hereditament is interesting as it shows that the part used for business is assessed for rates, the domestic dwellings (from recent memorandum by m gove show second homes and lettings as domestic property used wholly for living accommodation as subject to council tax) nothing I have read shows that a principle, only home is subject to council tax, but more so halsburys confirms the lgfa 1988 s66 ss 1 a 'domestic property wholly used for [the purposes of] living accommodation is not rateable' martin & ors v hewitt confirms this,

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