10 months ago

Adult Material; Nonviolent Non-Hateful Solution; Nonreligious, Independent Study. CONTENTS: Nephilim, Abomination, Bart Sibrel, Brice Taylor, Mo’nique, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Fascism, Imperialism, Racism, Misogyny, Homophobia, Wars, Genocides, Jewish Ancestry, US Secret Service, “Due Dissidence” YouTube Site, Caitlin Johnstone, Lies-by-Omission, Daniel Pearl, Jamal Khashoggi, Whistleblowers, NDA’s (Non-Disclosure Agreements), Secret Societies, “Unelected Empire Managers,” Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, JFK’s 1961 “Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy” Warning, “Clear and Present Danger,” Alan Ritchson “Dark Side of Hollywood,” Corporatocracy, Coup d’Etat, American Indigenous, Hawaii, President Sanford Dole, “Deep State,” Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, The Philippines, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Chile, The Dominican Republic, The Congo, Libya, Granada, Panama, Afghanistan, Bart Sibrel “Moon Landing” fabrication, The First “Coup of coups,” “The stone the builders rejected,” “The People of the Circumcision” & “The People of the Uncircumcision,” Restoration of Peace on Earth, Pope Francis “Urbi et Orbi” Christmas 2023 Message, “Slaughter of the Innocents,” Romans 7:6, Second Corinthians 3:6, False Dogma & Narratives, “Truth makes us free,” “The All of the Law,” The Torah, Jesus, Circumcision of the Heart, “Womb Man,” “Man Child,” Nicolaitanes, Revelation 2:6 & 2:15, Opposition to Crimes Against Humanity, St. Joseph’s College (Yokohama), Atheist friends, Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher, Ricky Gervais, Ben Shapiro, Eddie Izzard, The American Atheists, Psalm 14:1, LGBT Rights, Anti-Atheism, Divine Feminine, “Womb Man,” Divine Masculine, Creator Nature, Desire Nature, “Man Child,” Circumcised Creations, “Ye are gods,” Lies, Hate, Coverups, Oppressions, “Daughters of God,” “Daughters of Men,” “Sons of God,” Doctrine & Commandments of Men, Nephilim, Annunaki (Sumerian), Giants, Aliens, Strangers, Gentiles (People of the Uncircumcision), Bottomless Pit, “The Abomination,” Spiritual definition of “Female lying with female” & “Male lying with male” (not about literal gay people), “THEIR GOOD” & “THEIR WAY” vs. “THE GOOD” & “THE WAY,” Circumcision of the Heart, “Reconciliation of Jew & Gentile Under Jesus Christ,” Genesis 17:9-14, Deuteronomy 10:16, “Eighth Day,” “Seventh Day of the Sabbath,” “Faith is No Work,” Psalm 90:4, Biblical Male Domination vs. Worldly Male Domination, The One Mediator, “Man Jesus Christ,” “Burning Bush Atop the Mountain,” “Fire that doesn’t consume,” Book of Revelation, “Twenty-four Elders,” 12 Sets of Cranial Nerves, “Twelve Tribes & Twelve Apostles,” “Right Hand, Left Hand of God,” Facts, Analysis, Logic, Critical Thinking, Reasoning, Creativity, Emotions, Music, Color, Imagination, “You are what you create,” “I am what I am,” The Holy Grail, “The Blood of The Christ,” The Substance of The Holy Spirit, “My cup runneth over,” Nazi Search for The Holy Grail, Self-Preservation, Safety First, Peace, Literal Prayers vs. “Pray without ceasing,” The Living Prayer, “Freedom of Religion” vs. “The One Religion of Freedom,” “Do no harm,” Spiritual Meaning of “Christmas” & “Easter,” “Birthing The Christ,” “Resurrecting,” Atheism & Famous Atheist, The Nonviolent, Non-Hateful Solution Before Us.

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