Non-Binary Midgets

10 months ago

Non-binary midgets running in the streets.
What a show!
A venus with a penis and a pair of tits.
Go! Go! Go!
Braindead motherfuckers claiming to be woke.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Fucking Biden is a joke!
Go! Go! Go!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck them all!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck them all!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck them all!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck them all!

They’re fucking with your mind every night
on TV!
White is black and black is white
is what you see.
Don’t believe in anything they’re telling you!
It’s all lies!
The choice is clear! Fuck the fear
or face demise!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck them all!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck them all!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck them all!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck them all!

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