Day Trip - Las Galeras, Dominican Republic

8 months ago

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You're on another trip with Barry and Liane, so buckle up and climb in the backseat. We decided that since it had been so long since our last visit to Las Galeras, we would take a short journey to observe how things had evolved. It's been roughly six years since we were there.

So, we wanted to know what kind of changes occurred. So, although we pass through the villages of La Aguada, Anadel, and Punta Balandra, we began this video in Los Cacaos, and the stretch of highway is truly second to none, in my opinion. The roads are excellent. The scenery is what truly captivates you.

There's everything from white sandy beaches to blowholes and iron shores, as well as mountain scenery, and it's a gorgeous setting by anyone's standard. If you enjoy the shoreline, beach views, and nature in general, it isn't congested or overdeveloped as of now. It's absolutely worth the journey. So, join us for the ride.

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Hash Tags:
#lasgaleras, #samanadr, #daytrip, #lasgalerasdr, #Beach, #playaloscacoas, #traveldr, #drvoyages, #dradventures, #discoverdr, #cabrerard, #daytrip, #barryindr, #rd, #dr, #caribbeanisland, #caribbeanlifestyle, #tropical, #island, #tropicalisland, #dominicanrepublic, #caribbean, #domrep

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