Exposing Gloucester Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GHNFT) poor care, neglect,

9 months ago

Exposing Gloucester Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GHNFT) poor care, neglect, abuse and covertly authorised DNACPR decisions of vulnerable and disabled patients without relatives knowledge. (Perpetrators names redacted).
My organisation is called Carers Want Competence, and with twenty years’ experience within the health and social care sector, we offer free support; advocacy, referrals, mediation (online and in person).
We can also help with public awareness when your concerns are disregarded and complaints are ghosted.
I have GNS Press Association accreditation as a Freelance journalist.
This is a very brief account of my own situation, so only within the past ten months.
I had cared for my wife (Lucy) for more than twenty years, providing impeccable and extremely complex person-centred care.
I was her Lasting Power of Attorney.
I kept her safe from at least three secret Do Not Attempt Resuscitation orders, years of systematic hospital neglect and abuse, saving her life on many occasions.
She had MS which after a while wasn't so debilitating in itself, but there were eight years of unresolved kidney stones and a fistula causing recurrent life-threatening urosepsis.
Lucy was asymptomatic, which doctors were aware of, yet rarely treated her with IV antibiotics until it escalated to many infection-induced seizures, causing several strokes, several heart attacks and even a cardiac arrest, but she did recover well from each of these life-threatening events.
Lucy had a perfectly acceptable quality of life when she wasn't suffering from the urosepsis, she was extremely social, happy and content.
But GHNFT refused to resolve the causal factors. Self-opinionated and judgemental doctors often said "She has MS, she 'must have' a poor quality of life and wouldn't tolerate" the small surgical procedures that would have prevented these chronic infections.
In July 2023 GHNFT covertly placed yet another DNAR on her without our knowledge, three covert Deprivation of Liberty authorisations and two covert ReSPECT forms.
I became aware of this and threatened the hospital with legal action as all are required to have patient and/or legal representative involvement.
I spoke out publicly, and this enraged GHNFT legal department. They subsequently made a serious false allegation about me.
I was arrested on 4th August 2023 and prevented from caring for my wife whilst Gloucestershire Constabulary lackadaisically 'investigated'.
In September Lucy had to be readmitted to hospital, only to be neglected again. I complained and was banned from the ward.
Due to that, and the farcical Keystone Cop police 'investigation' I was prevented from being with her, and unable to ensure that she received adequate care.
Lucy died on 2nd December 2023, not long after yet another typically unsafe discharge with unresolved urosepsis.
I continued to post to social media in public interest and 'live-stream' outside Cheltenham General hospital as the Chief Executive was having a board meeting.
This increased their rage to the extent that they fabricated another false allegation to discredit and silence me, this time accusing me of “harassment”, “malicious communications” and “potentially voyeurism”
This is a worst example of the lengths that NHS hospital Trusts will go to in order to prevent scrutinisation, protect professional reputations and avoid exposure gross negligence.
Underhand tactics are widely used by NHS in attempts to discredit those who raise serious and justified concerns.
If YOU have a family member that is vulnerable or has comorbidities - YOU, or your relative might be next.
Please, open your eyes to what can, and does happen every single day.

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