LibertyLindz on Phone with Wright County Mike K

1 month ago

Update: (corrected information in post)
Facts knowledge to the best of my knowledge and belief:
It is crystal clear that the Wright County Sheriff and their sick cohorts at the Wright County Jail want to maliciouly #murder my friend Matt Lyrek.
Keep in mind He's not been found guilty of anything, Nor as he harmed anyone AT ALL!
They used the fact that they knew he always carried his weapon as the 2A allows, to justify shooting first, serve him papers, then suppress all questions.
Like what in the TF is happening!?!?
(Amended based on clarification of known facts): He called our friend several minutes in to the ambush where they were mercilessly shooting him even after he was down and in a defensive position after hit the ground and ws trying to call for help...
He remembers everything that happened.
The eye witness testimony of the friend who was on the phone lined up with his.
They were not able to coordinate this prior to having their accounts Of the event taken.
The friend told me, He was coming out of dollar general, They had been waiting for him so they must have followed him there because there were at least thirty corrupt "law enforcement agents" to "serve him documents" .
🤔 Hmmm that's not sus at all...
However he was taken by surprise and was shot several times before he even knew it was happening.
Our friend who was on the phone shortly after he hit the ground and heard the shots fired, heard them hit Matt, and he told her what was happening real time, and she had to sit and listen to them torture him with 3 more bullets, at least 32 rubber bullets and numerous tazers, while she was on the phone listening in horror while it all unfolded, powerless to do anything but hear them abuse and try to kill him while he begged and pleaded for them to stop shooting him!!!!
Worse even though they made it mandatory for all officers and minnesota have body cameras at at all times and running during all interactions, it's been nearly a year and the corrupt wright county Sheriff's office still conveniently have neglected to tak care of adhering to that law, and are clearly using it to their advantage to lie about what has happened and what they have done to this man who didn't want to put smart meter in his house and dared to stand up to the bullies tying to force it upon him!
What's even worse still, is that he's still in critical condition, Yet they negligently discharged him from the hospital before he was medically Safe to leave, And he literally needs to be in an assisted care facility, and is stuck him by himself in a wheel chair in his room, hes alrady at risk of blood clots as hes had a Stroke before, and they are not feeding him his prescription diet that he needs due to the gunshot wounds, He needs assistance to the bathroom in his being denied that, He has seven bullet wounds that are not being properly cared for, And Lord knows how many other wounds.
His clothes are soaked through due to the lack of them changing his bandages, they're completely saturated, He's completely lost the use of his right hand amd arm at least for now, And he can barely speak and he's struggling to even breathe.
He was struggling to breathe so badly that he can barley speak and the last time our friend talked to him, he was at the Point of
Needing emergency Medical treatment, and they Outright refusing to get him medical care and they're using the excuse that it's against their policy to do so.
They also took the Tablet (how he can make calls)from him and he can barely speak and he told our friend that he needed medical care and Was having such a hard time breathing and speaking that he couldn't speak or yell loud enough to tell them. So I had to call and let them know he needed medical attention nd then they told me side hebws just fine.
I asked for proof of life they denied it.
Like for real...what in the actual fu€k guys!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I wanted this to be documented publicly, because they've left him to suffer alone in his cell rot and die, taking his only way to communicate from him.
While his bandages are completely soked through and Sitting and soaking wet clothes with his own body fluids on wounds that are not being properly cared for... he can't even wipe himself when he goes to the bathroom if he can even make it to the toilet from his wheelchair...
The "booking" guy who answered the phone at the county torture chamber, was so non chalont with participanting in first degree murder it was downright chilling and shocking to the conscience.
My friend Matt is a freaking superhero and if any one can survive something like this it is him. But he really needs all the prayers he can get!!! So please get the word out!
Because it's very clear that any reasonable person would be calling 911 and having this man sent back to the hospital immediately to be treated before he gets sepsis or gangrene from his wounds getting infected, by staph, MRSA, candida, feces, etc... so Why this could be incompetence, the evidence is supporting that this is intentional retaliatory actions for a lawful assertion of rights.
He needs assistance even to go to the bathroom, due to the wounds these corrupt government administrators have inflicted on him while supposedly trying to serve him a notice of a hearing or some other fake bullcrap that they made up to make themselves look innocent because he didn't want to acquiesce his consent to them to put a smart meter in his home!
Wherefore, i am putting the Wright county Sheriff's office in Minnesota, the Wright county jail in Minnesota, along with all involved agents, officers, and collaborators, on Notice that there is probable cause evidence of their harrasment, stalking, torture, intentional infliction of mental and emotional harm, assault, battery, conspircy aginst rights, kidnapping, attempted murder, An involuntary servitude, Effective immediately that i Lindsay Ann Duneske along with several other eyewitnesses to amd report the attempted cold blooded and retaliatory murder of Matthew Lyrek.
This is a public notice persuant to MCL Notice to Agents is Notice to Principal, and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agents.
This is an electronic notice pursuant to:
MCL 450.214 which states, that written notice by mailing must be sent by registered, certified, or other first class mail, unless otherwise required. If a notice is required or permitted by this act to be given in writing, electronic transmission is written notice.
I'm exhausted so I apologize for any typos And I'll fix them once.I get a little bit of sleep, but please share and get the word out so they can't murder him and cover it up!!!
It is #wethepeople honhave a responsibility to save him save him and we are the only ones who can can!
I don't even know he's gonna make it the next 24 hours and we need to get all eyes on this and put pressure on this sheriff's office to put him back into the hospital immediately and get him the proper care that he needs for the wounds that they inflicted on him and even if he was a criminal and guilty of what he said he's still entitled to that...
But he's not even been found guilty of anything, nor do they have any evidence of any of the fallacious crimes that hes being falsley accused of...
Also I recorded my calls with these cold & callous bastards, and hoping to have that up by tomorrow.
Sharing is Caring @highlight and they are censoring this hard core let's beat their censorship algorithms!!!!
#JusticeIsComing #coldblood #corrupt #TYRANTS #WeThePeople #wakeup #help #UnitedWeStand #2a #2AShallNotBeInfringed #government #freedom #liberty #helpme #injustice #muststop #loveconquersall #IDONOTCONSENT #ResistanceIsNotFutile
And pursuant to: MCL 600.5718 c.

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