American constituents, stakeholders, and the public do not want our money to fund fentanyl

1 month ago

5/1/2024 [FOX NEWS] American constituents, stakeholders, and the public do not want our money to fund fentanyl, which is killing American people, or to support Communist China's arms buildup and the CCP's perpetration of human rights abuses.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP
5/1/2024 【福克斯新闻】美国的选民、利益相关者和美国公众都不愿意看到美国的资金用于资助杀害美国人的芬太尼,支持中共国的军力建设以及中共侵犯人权的犯罪行为。
#中共 #消灭中共

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