5.5.25-Chatting wChat Sunday

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In YouTube, and often all other streams, Chat is just being talked AT, not so much talked TO!
Well, I want to be a celebratory CHATTIN' with CHAT streams where I may doing doing other tasks with my hands but I am focused on communicating my thoughts with Chats thoughts.
Other creators Welcome!
Let's celebrate those in chat. Ya'll watch, follow, sub and chat on so many channels with focus; it's time YOU get focused on. So if you missed yesterday, then we're here today for Chattin with Chat Sunday. Today is your day to make SURE you are seen and answered.
So what's on YOUR mind? What thought do you have? What do you want to know? What, not so reasonable minds (really just Sheni's), might you have in your thoughts?
Go ahead ask, just type it in and we'll see what we can do with it.
Hopefully, someday, in the future, other creators will pop in to NOT be their creator-selves but just a kick back laugh, talk about NOTHING while talking about everything at the same time.
See ya in Chat Chat...Let's Chat!
Huggars Buggars

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