Striped Surfperch Are Pretty Cool B) Coast Guard Pier, CA

1 month ago

In this video, I planned to fish Coast Guard Wharf or Pier, except they were closed due to maintenance. So instead I fished Coast Guard Jetty or Breakwater, because you're allowed to fish there as well c:. The adjacent beach is a popular diving spot so just be careful, don't cast too far out if you see divers around. Safety first! I catch my first every striped surfperch while setting up, it was a nice big one. These guys are average up here! I also met some fun friendly locals, it was a little angler's birthday, so happy birthday, nice 2lb striped surfperch you landed as well! I caught a second striped surfperch which I gave to the family as well. I had a blast seeing all the pacific nettle at fisherman's wharf, as well as fishing Coast guard jetty, it is always a blast fishing in Monterey :) top tier city to fish.

Timestamps: For Your Convenience :)

00:00 Beginning
00:30 First fish of the day, striped surfperch, first one I ever caught :D, really pretty fish
01:01 Releasing Mr. Striped Surfperch for first fish freedom, also a catch and release day c:
01:20 Reusing tiny piece of leftover shrimp, rebaiting is always better but I'm just lazy sometimes :P
01:41 Proper introduction because I caught the first fish before setting up everything
02:45 Okuma nomad express, very convenient on the go if you like to travel and fish (This one is Extra Heavy not Medium Heavy whoops). You can pick a lighter model, Daiwa BG series are also amazing saltwater reels!
03:15 Talking and showing very small clips at Fisherman's wharf, with all the Pacific Nettle in the water.
04:00 Talking a little bit about why Monterey is so productive for fishing.
04:45 Next fish, another slab striped surfperch :D locals say these are good eats, and they're averaged sized like that here.
05:13 Chatting with some locals, everyone here in Monterey is still so super nice :D I love meeting with people and getting to know them here c: I also offer them my fish, there was a little angler and it was his birthday, I'm sure I made their day by offering them the nice big fish.
06:37 Intro for Amber's rod, a Daiwa G-Shock. I'll check the specs for that and the reel, Pflueger President when I can because I stashed my gear away in the meantime because of the weather.
07:23 Small little shoutout for little angler, Happy Birthday Man, hope you like to fish, it is a really relaxing sport to get into c:
07:54 Quick fishing tip, if you aren't getting bites soon, try swapping to a different bait. Having a different bait on a different rod is good too :D
08:03 Packing up, getting ready to go, outro

#firstfishfreedom is a tradition that I started a while back. The basis for this tradition is to release the first fish you catch, regardless of what it is (prized, PB, good eats, maybe even world record someday haha). I will only keep the first fish if it is gravely wounded or gut shotted (and a species I can legally keep). If I keep the first fish, then I will pass on the tradition to the second fish, and so forth. Any day of fishing is a blessing, catching a fish and beating the skunk is another blessing on top of that, so I want to return that blessing and luck back to the fish, so they may live another day, get bigger, and maybe I catch them again in the future c:

California Surf Anglers Facebook Group:

Whether you're a seasoned veteran angler or a beginner just starting out, go ahead and join CSA! They are a group that focuses primarily on surf fishing here in California, filled with many wonderful people who would be more than happy to share their knowledge with any surf fishing questions you may have.

Hope you guys enjoyed it, feel free to leave comments, suggestions, and feedback!


Gear Showcase In This Video (These links help support my channel, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases :D) (Okuma Nomad Express, this rod is pretty beefy, I'd get this guy for charter boats. It's also a travel rod that comes with a case, might be handy if you like to travel and fish. I like to also use this while jetty fishing because it's strong c:) (Daiwa BG 4500 (paired with 40 lb braided), a pretty solid saltwater reel, great choice for charter boat fishing, can handle potentially larger catches out in sea) (I normally use braided, my default line for general purpose is 20 lb Power Pro Spectra Braided Line, Moss Green. Choose the lb you need for what you're targeting, but you can never go wrong with this brand).

^You may be able to find some of this gear cheaper locally, don't forget to support your local small-business owner tackle shops!

Again, Okuma Nomad Express here is Extra Heavy! Not Medium Heavy


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