Campfire Chord Lesson - Learn these to learn all of music

1 month ago

Thankyou, and hopefully you found my acoustic lesson of Campfire Chord Lesson helpful!.... Take your time, and you'll be writing your album in no time! One can always be building technique, and rhythm even when a particular chord progression feels easy. Once your ear grabs onto these shapes, and sounds you can begin to hear them everywhere. I'm using a DGCFAD tuned guitar, but you can still play along... Chord progressions are math as well as music somehow? How's that for some theory you can understand! Also I've found it's pretty easy to tell by singing if you're in the right place... There's a lot of ways to get there! 🏆☯

Don't mind my occasional hammer-ons, and meandering... It is only to demonstrate for you the song buried in every chord, and to animate it for you! Try it for yourself I think you will find it very fun as a technique 👍

Remember that music is a great thing to learn in stride as you practice !! Harmonics, and rhythm were once upon a time core fundamentals of mathematics descended from ancient Egypt then unto Greece. We still use the Greek version of math today!. It's often helpful to play songs to a simple beat track before getting into the studio version which is going to have many layers over the chord progression. Whatever works for you! 🥪☕

🧾 Message for you 🧾

Thankyou so much for listening to my acoustic Campfire Chord Lesson!! As with all things this is a journey for me, and I hope you dig the music. I greatly encourage feedback, or requests if you have a song you want me to try : )

Please like share, and comment if you enjoyed the video. It helps a ton!

🧾 Thankyou. 🧾

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