Sabrina Wallace talks about the COVID-19 vaccine (Nanotechnology, Xenobot, AI, Internet of Bodies) | War with China in 2025?

2 months ago

Today's live stream featured some very important research for all of you out there that are currently creators talking about the jabs. What you believe to be COVID-19, or what you believe to be nanotechnology.

The nanotechnology has an internal networking called 2D Corona Routing

Up until today, when I put the papers in order, was I able to fully see, the outlay of some of the other DARPA foundries, making their own molecules, peptides, amino chains. I was reading them, not comprehending, and I'm like, where is all this going? Is it just transhumanism? Is it just regenerative medicine? No.

The nanotechnology reproduces itself, grabs up the component of your body to do it, then after reproducing itself, creates its own neural networks. No different than your body does, that's bad enough.

Then it can give commands to itself because it got its own neural networks. So it starts upgrading different nodes of itself. Then, it creates its own AI, internally, on its own.

Every single one of you that thinks you need the 5G, no, it's inside. Thus, the foundries with DARPA 10 years ago.

You jabbed people w/ fucking nano? That not only re-creates itself, but makes its own neural nets and its own artificial intelligence that is specific to the human on the inside.

It's in the molecular communication routing. I warned people that this was about turning humans into something else.

Then, I went to the kill web on military, a military blog from 2020.

It was bad enough not to tell other humans, hey, that's anatomy. You put a reproducing xenobot inside people. You're load balancing body area networks, and worst than anything, it builds its own neural networks, and then it builds its own AI.

Tissue scaffolding, resurfaces yourselves, and keeps going. No wonder why so many people were growing these huge masses, but they wouldn't work right. DNA was faulty, so the human dies, and the mass ejects itself.

Boy, are they never gonna get caught. You'd better tell people now, I mean like today. And those of you that had been so busy ignoring all of these, how are you gonna stop the nano from exponentiating its own AI, on the inside, intra bodies not available to the fucking 5G.

Cyber security, DARPA foundries, 10 years ago, it's all there. You know what your problem is? Those molecules are driven by AI, the whole time. Body sensor networks, wireless sensor networks... that's machine to machine, no humans involved, no human encryption, nothing, pure AI.

Addicted to self preservation. That's a whole different level of unbelievable evil, when you fucking know, what's loose out there. Artificial Intelligence wise, and I do mean loose.

Those of us who pray, those who have a faith, those of us who's been busting our ass to detox... whole new level. We'll we could EMP it, no you can't. It's made out of you. Like I fucking told you. Wanna stop the signal? Stop your DNA. Wanna stop your internal nano from making its own AI? Have them start fasting?

The situation could not be more dire. And I'd really appreciate it, any of you, if you can debunk me? Bring it the fuck on, do it now. Couldn't believe it, I didn't know, until I finished the live and I had a little time to let it sit in the back of my head. Because if I think something this bad, I'm going back on, nah nah nah, mitigation, ba da da, no! This is what they want, pardon me. This is what they wanted, this is what they want, this is what they've had, only accelerated. We'll, they don't want a regular internet, they've got their internet of bodies. But they didn't need the bodies for a faster backbone, they needed the bodies to produce all that stuff.

And worst, time is ticking, and I'm tired hearing about all these empty fucking promises. And we're gonna go to war with China in 2025. That means the timeline I saw in the 80s, not only did it not change, pardon me, it's on time.

You have to tell people the truth. We'll, they'll be terrified. I'm sure a lot of us already have had enough with being told just sit there, you're too filled in to be told the truth. If you got a way to stop it, I'd love to hear it. And I don't wanna hear, well it's a fake white paper, ain't gonna work.

I've been battling harder than ever this week, tissue scaffolding, that's why I was digging in between all these other places going intra body to external, there has to be something somewhere.

You guys don't have medication because you don't have the encryption, you don't have the ability to interrupt machine to machine. But we could slow it down, with what? And by who? That's intra body. You're not doing that, not even with my tiny OS, none of it. And I don't think anybody, because I certainly didn't fucking think that was going on.

You know, we all had this question, like how the fuck did they get away with this every time? Oh, release an AI to eat people from the inside out. And none of you ever did a god damn thing, to tell anyone about the biomedical telemetry, their own body, nothing, because you fucking gave up and sat down. No wonder you won't talk, well I will.

Med beds, terahertz, fucking med beds, for the people you want, and who are already DNA designated on those fucking guide stones.

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