Quadriplegic YouTube Star Is Charged With Battery Of A Police Officer

10 months ago

Quadriplegic YouTube star has been charged with two counts of battery on a police officer in Miami, Florida. 32-year-old Bryant Amastha is unable to use his limbs but somehow manages to assault a police officer. According to a police report, Amastha struck a police officer with his wheelchair and then spit on her. The incident allegedly happened during a dispute with his mother while his mother was getting arrested which made Amastha become agitated. Amastha is denying all allegations. "The officer, she bumped my wheelchair because I was standing in the driveway, and the driveway is thin." The man says the spitting incident was an accident because he suffers from acid reflux. "Right. So, I suffer from acid reflux, so I normally spit. And I spat in a totally different direction."

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