WARNING! Dangerous Games You Shouldn't Play With Spirits

10 months ago

Let's play some spirit games. Games that are so dangerous, few have ever finished them.

For centuries, we have been creating games that are designed to invoke another world. Wether that's something as simple as playing a Ouija board, testing our bravery by saying bloody Mary into a mirror or even attempting to enter a different reality. In this episode of The Tape Library we will be taking a look at 4 extremely dangerous games that you could (but absolutely shouldn't!!!) play with the spirit world. So dim the lights, get a warm drink and lets push play on the next tape....

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Morbid - https://open.spotify.com/show/1cpyLfDHP1cNnyOb478qrt
Dangerous Games to Play in the Dark - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dangerous-Games-Play-Lucia-Peters/dp/1452179794
Ghost in My Machine - https://theghostinmymachine.com/
The original 11 mile creepy pasta - https://web.archive.org/web/20131009051251/http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/11_Miles

All footage, music tracks and additional audio elements are from www.elements.envato.com/

Do you have a supernatural story to share? Drop me an email at thetapelibrary@protonmail.com

Archive of the Paranormal, the strange and the unexplained. The Tape Library brings you the creepiest stories, to keep you horror junkies up all night. True tales of ghosts, cryptids, UFOs and true crime.

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