The Massacre and Debasement at the White Kaaba

10 months ago
Sahih Bukhari / Volume 9 / Book 88 / Hadith 232
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The Hour will not be established till the buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daus move while going round Dhi-al-Khalasa." Dhi-al-Khalasa was the idol of the Daus tribe which they used to worship in the Pre Islamic Period of ignorance.
Sahih Muslim / Book 31 / Hadith 6052
Jabir reported that there was in pre-Islamic days a temple called Dhu'l- Khalasah and it was called the Yamanite Ka'ba or the northern Ka'ba. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said unto me: Will you rid me of Dhu'l-Khalasah and so I went forth at the head of 350 horsemen of the tribe of Ahmas and we destroyed it and killed whomsoever we found there. Then we came back to him (to the Holy Prophet) and informed him and he blessed us and the tribe of Ahmas.

Hisham Ibn al Kalbi in his book titled The Book of Idols, page 30 wrote that a certain woman of banu Khatham said:
“The banu-Umamah, each wielding his spear,
Were slaughtered at al-Wahyab[19], their abode;
They came to defend their shrine, only to find
Lions with brandished swords clamoring for blood.
The women of the Khath’am were, then, humiliated
By the men of the Abmas, and abased

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