Overweight Cops

10 months ago

There’s a prevalent social media push from some LE trainers to shame cops who don’t meet their ideal lean looking appearance or high levels of performance. If you’re one of these Officers then chew on this for a bit: the lowest common denominator at your department just may be the one who saves your ass one day.

The reality is that this profession is made up of all different shapes and sizes all with varying degrees of mental and physical attributes and abilities. If this naive notion that overweight people can’t “fight” or even perform at a functional level were true then my question would be what about boxers like Eric Esch, MMA fighters like Roy Nelson or BJJ black belts like Kevin Roginski? I know…the above examples are different right? I’ve seen a lot of people get beat up by fat guys and girls over the years…it’s a real thing!

If you truly believe that overweight people aren’t dangerous then you really don’t understand much about how any of this works. Don’t get what I’m saying here twisted…we all need to train for a functional level of performance and proficiency but what that will actually look like will differ from person to person.

I think it’s a little telling that a lot of these influencers pushing for cops to all look like a bodybuilder, powerlifter or CrossFitter are also peddling their own workout programs and/or diets for $$$. It’s also interesting how a few of these guys were only LEOs for a short period of time and it really makes me curious as to why they left the profession before retirement!? And then there are other critics who have never been a cop which makes me wonder how someone who has never even put on the uniform knows so much about what it takes to do the job.

You know what you need to work on and if you don’t then just spend some time figuring it out. It’s all about improving your weaknesses and maintaining your strengths. You don’t have to look and move just like your peers so embrace being different and set your own example. If I had to choose I’d take an older experienced and intelligent veteran over a young naive rookie with muscles any day of the week! Be safe out there my friends.

KA©️S: Keep All Options Simple!

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