Peter Denial

10 months ago

Today's message, we're going to take a look at Peter and his denial of his Lord. It would be easy, and it is easy, to quickly judge Peter for those failures. But sometimes, even though Peter had told Jesus that he'd be willing to die for him, we'll take a look at maybe sometimes it is easier to die for Christ than to live for him. But also, what we're going to take a look at is that while Peter denied Jesus, all of us have done something that we regret or are ashamed of. But the fortunate thing, just like Peter and in our lives as well, that's not the final end to the story. So let's take a look at what Peter does and what will happen.

Sermon Notes
John 18:12 & 13 Jesus is arrested, bound and taken to Annas’ house
John 18:14 John reminds us of Caiaphas was the one who said that “it is expedient that one man die on behalf of the people”
John 18:15 & 16 Peter and another disciple follow Jesus to Anna’s house and the other disciple helps Peter to enter
John 18:17 Peter’s first denial
John 18:18 Peter and others warm themselves by a charcoal fire
John 18:19 – 21 Jesus questioned about His teachings and His disciples
John 18:22 Jesus struck
John 18:23 Jesus responds to being struck
John 18:24 Jesus sent bound to Caiaphas, the High Priest
John 18:25 – 27 Peter denies being a disciple for the second and third time and immediately a rooster crowed

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