Who is Calling the Shots?

10 months ago

I have been following the 2016 presidential election and what I saw in the news at the beginning of March made me angry. The Holy Spirit gave me a message during the night of March 20th as I slept and then I was directed away from the sermon the next day to speak on this subject.

I am not endorsing any Republican candidate but I do want to share what the Holy Spirit told me about this presidential race. I absolutely cannot support any Democratic candidate since they stand for murdering babies, homosexual marriage, more taxes and eroding the rights of Americans in the name of freedom and prosperity.

Donald Trump has been a member of the Republican party for some time and when he announced his decision to run for the presidency, he registered with the Republican party and agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of the party. He even pledged to support the Republican candidate if he lost the nomination.

Each candidate has the right to try to influence the voters, and according to the rules, each candidate also has the right to put out negative advertisements to sway voters, but no candidate has the right to infiltrate another candidate’s rally and disrupt it.

Read the Rest here: https://eaec.org/desk/05-02-2016.pdf

From the Desk of John torell
May 2, 2016

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