The Transhuman Control Matrix Is Here – Chemtrails | Morgellons | Neural Lace

7 months ago

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We are already in the “Pre-Build-Out phase”. This Smart Dust enhanced Neural Lace is already inside of all of us now… It isn’t coming as Elon Musk has been saying, it is already here and growing inside our bodies now…

What is the Transhuman Control Matrix? Well if you have been following this blog for any length of time then you will know that I have published several articles on this topic, including articles about Chemtrails such as my latest article titled “Chemtrails – What Are They Really | Full Spectrum Dominance“.

In this article I am going to explain to you what the end goal is with regard to the Chemtrail spraying campaign in our skies and how that relates to Morgellons Syndrome (AKA Morgellons Disease) and Elon Musk’s pet term “Neural Lace”.

Recently on March 2, 2017 a gentleman by the name of Ulf Diestelmann from Canada published his findings of an investigation he performed with a friend of his where they tested samples from the environment around his ranch and also samples of his own skin for signs of what is falling on us out of the skies. What they discovered...

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