Memorystick in Data Bank Glitch - Stellar Blade

10 months ago

I discovered that your Data Bank may reflect the incorrect Memorysticks that you picked up while playing in unpatched 1.0.
This may be related to loading the Demo save in unpatched 1.0.
The demo runs off version 1.1 which may be the reason.
If you apply the v1.2 patch and load your save. The correct Memorsticks will now show.

I tried re-saving my game in 1.2 then loading it in unpatched 1.0 and the Memorstick entires are incorrect again.

Be aware of this when you're trying to check which Memorsticks you're missing.

I've collected all the memory sticks you can in Eidos 7 before arriving in Xion (you have to complete side-quests to get access to the last 5 memory sticks which start after you reach Xion).

I hope this helps anyone who have been trying to play unpatched. Especially, if you started with loading your demo save.

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