“The Five Cups”

10 months ago

To the precious few who love me and follow what I'm doing closely. We've decided to launch our new Passover Song, "Five Cups" next year. The lyrics, script and music adaptation is by Pat Michener who also created and wrote our song, "Georgian Bay". Here's one last sneak peek with credits of my amazing production crew. Please give this video a thumbs up and follow me here on my new Rumble channel. Thanks! Love you guys!

Opening Credits.

Sung By Blaine Scott

Narration: Rebecca Paribello - Orsini & Stephen R Ogden

Lyrics, script, music adaptation:
Pat Michener

Destiny Stone Productions
Executive Producer Gregory Harrison (III)
Greg Who Show GWS YT Channel

End Credits:

Destiny Stone Productions

Executive Producer Gregory Harrison (III)

Audio Engineer Dave Frotten

Recording Engineer Philip Narsingh

Video Editor Brien "BG" Perks

Lyrics, script, music adaptation:
Pat Michener

Sung by Blaine Scott

Narration: Rebecca Paribello – Orsini & Stephen R Ogden

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