Cincinnati second-graders write their own science book

6 years ago

Second-graders at Pleasant Hill Academy wrote and illustrated their own book called “My Experience With Environmental Science." Their teacher, D’Etta McShaw, said it was a labor of love. “It can be fun … animals and all that stuff can come to life. After three months of writing, rewriting, writing, rewriting then finally, finally, it came to fruition.” The process took about three months, and started with brainstorming... Then moving on to a rough draft. Along the way, the kids even watched “Little Shop of Horrors,” in which Audrey, the talking plant, proved science can be exciting. Principal Shauna McDowell said it was something the second-graders would always remember. “In about 10-15 years when they come back and show their children and their families, 'I did this when I was in second grade.' And hopefully it sparked the excitement of other students in kindergarten up the 6th grade to want to write to want to read, to want to publish their own books.”

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